Whale watching trip 8 DAYS in NOSY IRANJA

Come and live an unforgettable, timeless experience on the island of Nosy Iranja to discover the marine biodiversity of Nosy Be and its archipelago! The open sea of ​​the Mozambique Channel invites us to exceptional marine encounters!

Dates : September 3rd to September 14th 2025. 

Supervised by Vincent Quinquempois SPECIALIST SCIENTIST in marine megafauna. 

  • 7 nights bivouac in Nosy Iranja
  • 2 nights in Nosy Be
  • 8 days of sea trips
  • Conference and Work Shop on marine megafauna 

Nosy Iranja is located just before the large drop-off of the Mozambique Channel. Our research will be carried out between the plateau (shallow waters) and the depths of the open sea! We therefore have a good chance of experiencing encounters with various species of cetaceans.

Come with us for an unforgettable stay!

For more details, dowload the PDF

D1: ARRIVAL and TRANSFER to the HOTEL D2: BOARDING FOR NOSY IRANJA D3 to D8: TYPICAL PROGRAM OF DAYS – Sea trips in search of cetaceans – Snorkeling on the reefs – Lunch on the boat or on land (depending on the day) Presentations and workshops on the history of Madagascar and its biodiversity - Aperitif at sunset Possible observation of turtle nesting D9: NOSY TANIKELY MARINE RESERVE Departure from Nosy Iranja – Navigation towards the island of Nosy Tanikely D10: TRANSFER TO THE AIRPORT
REGULAR ENCOUNTERS: Humpback whales, spinner dolphins, spotted dolphins, bottlenose dolphins of the Indian Ocean. POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Omura's whales, Electra's dolphins, pseudorcas, pilot whales, beaked whales… OTHER MEGAFAUNA IN THE REGION: Mobula ray, manta ray, whale shark, green turtle, hawksbill turtle..
Be in good physical shape – Know how to swim and know how to use fins/mask and snorkel – Not being subject to seasickness – Have repatriation travel insurance – Enjoy a group stay – Be adaptable to accommodation conditions – Adaptability and flexibility to natural conditions
Airport / Hotel / Airport transfers – Accommodation: 2 nights in Nosy Be and 7 nights in Nosy Iranja – All meals from dinner on D1 to breakfast on D10 – Snorkeling equipment (fins / mask and snorkel) – Water during the bivouac in Nosy Iranja – 8 days of sea trips – Entrances to the marine parks

Our strengths

Excursions à Nosy Be avec Baleines Rand'eau

Our team

Spend a wonderful day, make unforgettable encounters accompanied by passionate guides who will share with you their love and respect for the sea!

Excursion à Nosy Be avec Baleines Rand'eau

Our boats

Our three boats are open Vandam hulls. They are 8m long and 2.5m wide. Equipped with a awning for sun protection, storage case for your bags, a shelf and a fin racket, these boats are perfectly designed for our activity. It's very easy to get in the water and to come back on the boat. Equipped with a 150hp Yamaha engine, we can quickly get to the area of observation.

Whale hydrophone in Nosy Be

Hydrophone: listen to the whalesong!

Thanks to our hydrophone, you may have the chance to hear humpback whalesong or listen to dolphins communicate. "The world of silence" is not that silent!

Lago Rand'eau Palmée Tanikely / Sakatia

Notre taux de réussite

Our strength is also to have excellent success rates in observing species. This success can be explained by our experience and our network of water informants! Although we can guarantee our research effort, we can never guarantee encounters, it is nature which, in the end, has the last word!

Excursion à Nosy Br avec Baleines Rand'eau

Waterproof identification sheet on fauna and flora

It is always a magical time to see marine mammals and fish in their environment. It is also important to have explanations and information on fauna and flora. Therefore, in addition to a specialized guide on each excursion, you can find out more by consulting the documentation available on our boats.

Book without further delay your Whale watching trip 8 DAYS in NOSY IRANJA

offre spéciale excursion nosybe