False killer whale à Nosy Be

False killer whale

As its name does not indicate, the pseudorque (also called false killer whale or false killer whale) belongs to the family of dolphins. Halfway between dolphin and orca, its rounded head and imposing size, however, remind of the famous "killer whale".

Present in a large part of the seas of the globe, it moves in groups of a few individuals or hundreds, sometimes scattering over several kilometers, and frequently swims in the bow of boats. As a player, he can jump and raise his head and much of his body out of the water.

Pseudorques stay year round around Nosy Be, in the deep waters behind the ocean shelf. It is therefore possible to see them on each outing offshore when we are looking for whales and during our trips to Nosy Iranja.

Les pseudorques se nourrissent de divers types de poissons et de grands céphalopodes. Cependant, il est connu pour son agressivité et peu également s’en prendre à de gros mammifères comme des dauphins, des requins ou des oiseaux. Le pseudorque est connu pour être voleur, dérobant des poissons prisonniers dans des lignes et filets de pêche. Certains s’attaquent aux dauphins pour leur prendre leurs thons.

Daily a pseudorque eats an amount of food equal to 5% of their body mass.

Pseudorques are massive dolphins, which can reach up to 6 meters and weigh more than 1 ton as an adult!

Malgré cela, c’est un animal dynamique qui grâce à des vertèbres lombaires de grandes tailles peut nager rapidement et habillement.

The pseudorque is known to be an animal not only intelligent but above all easily tame and adaptable. There are therefore unfortunately pseudorques in captivity in certain dolphinariums.

In a dolphinarium in Japan, a pseudorque male even mated with a female bottlenose dolphin, which gave birth to a hybrid animal called a balphin.

In Japan, they are still hunted for their flesh.

Due to its position in the animal chain, it is bio-accumulating many pollutants, including mercury already highly concentrated by tuna and skipjack (in the form of methylmercury in particular, a compound even more toxic than pure metallic mercury).

De plus, ils sont la proie de certains prédateurs : En 2009, une pseudorque a été retrouvée échoué des suites de morsures d’un grand requin blanc et beaucoup de pseudorques comportent des cicatrices de morsures attribuée à des requins. Au large de la Nouvelle-Zélande en 2010, un groupe de touristes a été témoin d’une attaque d’un groupe d’orques sur un groupe de pseudorques.