Accompany the scientific team of the Madagascar Whale Shark Project at sea, and discover the daily life of a data collection program for a the whale shark conservation !
Benefit from the knowledge and expertise on the species as the only organization dedicated to the whale shark in Madagascar, particularly through the presence of the project's founder, Stella Diamant. The presence of Malagasy students on these trips allows for an exchange and sharing of knowledge.
The scientific expertise of the Madagascar Whale Shark Project supported by the Baleines Rand’eau team to experience a day like no other!
All data collection activities are carried out with a scientific permit issued by the Malagasy government.
The sucess of our reserch activities can never be guaranteed, and will depend above all on whale sharks; which, we remind, are free and wild animals. Swimming with wild animals will always be done in compliance with code of conduct. Your participation to our trips directly support the work of the Madagascar Whale Shark Project.