Manta Ray à Nosy Be

Manta Ray at Nosy Be

Manta rays are pelagic species, usually observed near the surface, rarely more than 40 m deep, but present much deeper (the giant manta ray has been recorded up to 1000 m deep). They are often observed in reef passes. They frequent coastal waters, near coral reefs.

Manta rays are found in most tropical seas of the globe (circumtropical), but also in certain temperate waters (Canary Islands, Madeira). In the West Atlantic, they are found from Bermuda to South Carolina (sometimes further north since it has been observed exceptionally in Canada), and from Brazil to Uruguay.

We can meet them all year round in Nosy Be, but the most frequent sightings are during the planktonic season, between October and December.

Mobula birostris is the biggest rays. It can reach a wingspan of 7 m (known maximum 9 m) and a weight of 1,400 kg, (known maximum 3 tonnes!).

L’envergure est d’environ 2,2 à 2,3 fois la longueur du corps (queue exclue).

La raie manta se nourrit de plancton, de crustacés et occasionnellement de petits poissons qu’elle dirige vers sa très grande bouche à l’aide de ses nageoires céphaliques. La mâchoire inférieure est pourvue de centaines de très petites dents dont on ignore la fonction, mais dont la forme et la disposition constituent un critère de distinction des espèces.
Les raies manta sont des espèces ovovivipares : les œufs éclosent à l’intérieur du corps de la femelle, les jeunes se nourrissant initialement de leurs réserves vitellines puis absorbant un fluide composé de mucus, graisses et protéines fourni par la mère grâce à des structures spécialisées. La femelle ne met bas en général qu’un petit à la fois.

Manta ray fisheries exist in the Philippines, Mexico, Mozambique, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Tanzania and Indonesia. The fins, skin, liver, flesh and gill filaments are used for the local market or exported. The recent demand for gill filaments, which are dried and exported to Asian markets, has increased fishing pressure on Manta and Mobula very significantly. Manta rays are also part of the by-catch of tuna seiners as well as protection systems against sharks.

Population declines have been noted in the Philippines, Mexico, India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia

During wich trip you can observ Manta Ray in Nosy Be ?