Tropical pilot whale à Nosy Be

Nosy be dolphin

Sometimes called "pilot whale" (it is called "pilot whale" in English), the pilot whale is indeed part of the dolphin family and the subfamily globicephalinae, of which it is one of the largest representatives. Widely distributed across the globe, it is a very sociable animal that is often found in the company of other species (bottlenose dolphin, humpback dolphin). He is easy to approach and even shows curiosity, and is capable, despite his build, of spectacular jumps and caudal strikes.

The very close morphology of the two species (pilot pilot whale and tropical pilot whale) makes the distinction extremely difficult, especially since Madagascar presents itself as an area of overlap of their distribution areas.

Pilot whales can be found all year round around Nosy Be, so it is possible to see them during all ou excursions, whether inside the bay (snorkeling rand'eau or whale shark excursion), or offshore when we are looking for whales and when we travel to Nosy Iranja.

Le globicéphale noir est essentiellement teutophage (nourriture à base de céphalopodes : poulpes, calmars). Mais en cas de besoin, il mange diverses espèces de poissons (morue, hareng, maquereau, chinchard…). En fonction de la taille, du sexe et de la période de l’année, on estime entre 30 et 100 kg la ration alimentaire quotidienne nécessaire à chaque individu.

Le globicéphale noir est un des plus grands cétacés à dents (odontocètes) : les mâles mesurent de 5,5 m à 6,2 m (jusqu’à 7,2 m dans le Pacifique Nord) pour 1,5 à 3,5 tonnes, et les femelles 4,5 à 5,5 m pour 1 à 2,5 tonnes. A la naissance, les petits font déjà 70 à 80 kg pour une longueur de 1,7 à 1,8 m.

This attitude, called "spyhopping", practiced by many cetacean species and even some sharks, is particularly noticed in pilot whales.

It consists of taking the head out of the water, sometimes turning it 180 degrees.

The objective is to scan the surroundings, in order to find one's bearings in relation to the earth or in relation to the surrounding boats.

Most cetaceans have the ability to see both underwater and out of the water.

Malgré sa taille imposante, il a en effet des prédateurs, comme L’orque et certains requins (requin blanc, requin tigre, longimanus).